However, the IMF believes that PPP weights are more appropriate, because a dollar buys a lot more in poor countries than in America, thanks to lower prices. 但是IMF相信购买力评价标准是比较合适的。因为由于较低的物价,一美元在贫穷的国家可以比在美国买到更多的东西。
The Fed did a good job extending dollar swap lines to other countries to keep liquidity in the global financial system going during the financial crisis. 金融危机期间,美联储向其他国家提供美元互换额度、以保持全球金融体系的流动性,在这方面它做得不错。
When Mr Sapin called for a rebalancing against the dollar using the big currencies of the emerging countries, there is no doubt which big emerging country he had in mind. 萨潘呼吁使用新兴国家的主要货币对美元地位进行再平衡时,他心中所想的到底是哪个新兴大国,可以说是毫无疑问。
The US, for example, has had no new trade arrangements with India for 20 years. Yet the dollar volume of trade between the two countries has increased [ XXFIGURE] ninefold. 例如,美国20年来没有与印度签署任何新的贸易协定,然而两国间以美元计价的贸易规模增长了9倍。
China needed to revalue its currency against the US dollar for the benefit of both countries, said Mr Dalio. 戴利奥表示,为了双方的利益,中国需要调高人民币兑美元汇率。
The recent slide in the dollar has made life difficult for Asian countries that peg or tightly manage their currencies against the greenback. 对于那些施行盯住美元或严格控制本币兑美元汇率的亚洲国家而言,近期美元下挫让它们的日子不太好过。
Adjustments are needed and the current de facto dollar pegs are often at odds with the countries 'foreign trade. 调整是必需的,当前这种事实上盯住美元的汇率体制往往与这些国家的对外贸易相冲突。
During last year's rally, which pushed down the dollar, countries from Brazil to Taiwan tried to limit the appreciation of their currencies. 在去年反弹期间,美元走低,从巴西到台湾,各经济体都试图限制本币的升幅。
The BIS'annual general meeting this weekend saw the emergence of talks between China and Brazil on how to bypass the dollar for trade between the two countries. 在上周末的国际清算银行的年度大会上,中国和巴西讨论了如何绕过美元以本币来结算两国贸易的问题。
While this helps export earnings, it creates inflationary pressure and the risk of bubbles since currency pegs to the dollar cause countries to import ultra-loose US monetary policy that is wrong for their own circumstances. 虽然这有助于提升出口收入,但由于货币与美元挂钩,导致它们也输入了并不符合其国情的美国式极度宽松的货币政策,从而引发了通胀压力和泡沫风险。
An exchange rate system staring at US dollar was factually adopted by most east Asia countries before 1997 financial crisis. 东亚大部分国家(地区)在1997年亚洲金融危机之前采取的是事实上钉住美元的汇率制度。
Some foreign policy experts worried about a "dollar shortage" in the war-ravaged and underdeveloped countries, and believed that as nations grew stronger they would be willing and able to participate equitably in the international economy. 有些外交政策专家担心在受到战争破坏的不发达国家里会出现“美元短缺”现象,他们相信随着各国的发展壮大,它们一定会愿意而且能够以平等的地位参加到国际经济中来。
Today, music has become a multi-billion dollar industry, generator profits for countries, businesses, and people all over the world. 今天,音乐也成为一个非常赚钱的产业,为一些国家、公司以及个人带来了巨大的经济效益。
It is no coincidence the attacks on the dollar have been led by countries that are politically opposed to the US. 在抨击美元的国家中,首当其冲的是在政治上反对美国的国家,这一点绝非巧合。
The US is already involved as a provider of dollar liquidity and the Asian countries as purchasers of European bonds. 美国也已经插手了,它是美元流动性的提供者;亚洲国家则是欧洲债券的购买者。
Government officials have joined the chorus of concern about the rapid drop in value of the dollar, which some countries believe is a cause of global inflationary pressure. 政府官员们纷纷表达对美元迅速贬值的忧虑,一些国家认为,这是造成全球通胀压力的原因之一。
The global imbalances and large currency swings in recent years, and the accelerated accumulation of official dollar holdings by countries that have essentially reverted to fixed exchange rates, replicate the conditions that led to both the creation of SDR and the negotiations on an account. 近年来的全球失衡与货币大幅震荡,以及实际上恢复固定汇率制的国家所持有的美元加速积聚,让创立特别提款权和商讨设立替代账户的条件再度出现。
They simply want to discuss mutual aid but in a way that has no role for the US or for the dollar as a vehicle for trade among these countries. 他们只是希望讨论互助问题但在此次讨论中,没有美国的位置,美元也不会作为这些国家之间的贸易结算工具。
Eighteen months ago, the exposure to the dollar of oil producing countries was above 70 per cent. 18个月前,产油国的美元储备比例高于70%。
Dollar bloc countries have slavishly mimicked expansionary US monetary policy, even in regions such as the Middle East, where rapid growth is putting huge upward pressure on inflation. 美元集团各国都盲目仿效了美国的扩张货币政策,甚至在经济快速增长对通胀造成巨大上行压力的中东等地区也是如此。
The other major source of dollar support has come from trade surplus countries with the USA whose central banks have little place to invest those dollars as safe as in US Government debt. 支持美元价值的第二个因素是世界各国对美国的贸易顺差,那些国家的央行没有什么别的地方去投资,把美国政府债务当成了安全避风港。
Dollar earnings of OPEC countries 石油出口国美元收入
That means that when the dollar weakens, third countries become less competitive relative to China. 这意味着当美元贬值时,第三国相对于中国的竞争力遭到削弱。
Having parked most of their surpluses in the currency that was most convertible the dollar Asian countries face the prospect of losing as much as the country that issued the currency. 由于亚洲国家的多数盈余都配置为兑换能力最强的货币美元,它们面临着与该货币发行国相同的亏损前景。
The investigation is the latest instance of a European financial institution coming under scrutiny by US regulators over allegations involving illicit dollar transactions with Iran and other countries. 这起调查是欧洲金融机构因涉嫌与伊朗等国进行非法美元交易而遭美国监管机构调查的最新案例。
Sure, financial factors are also influential: the weakness of the US dollar and low real interest rates in emerging countries are boosting demand for commodities. 当然,金融因素同样也有影响:美元疲软以及新兴国家较低的实际利率提振了对大宗商品的需求。
US dollarization in East Asia cuts the gains of the regional monetary cooperation, the strong dollar policy pushes East Asian countries into a dilemma and impedes the ultimate goal of the East Asian monetary cooperation. 东亚美元化削减了东亚货币合作的所得收益,而强势美元政策使东亚国家面对美元霸权时陷入进退两难境地,从而在一定程度上影响了东亚货币合作最终目标的实现。
20th century 70s, because of the collapse of Breton Woods System, money is no longer pegged to the dollar, and countries are also no longer requiring the range about exchange rate volatility. 20世纪70年代,以美元为中心的布雷顿森林体系瓦解,货币不再与美元挂钩,各国也不再规定汇率波动的幅度。